DeWine to Business Owners: ‘The Reckless Behavior Must Stop’


Gov. Mike DeWine, during Friday’s press conference on the coronavirus, told business owners that if they don’t follow social distance rules and keep their employees safe there could be consequences.

“Let me make it very clear: I will err on the side of protecting people,” DeWine said at the press conference. “The bad behavior, the reckless behavior, must stop. The protection of life is the most important obligation that I have.”

He noted, “I continue to balance this. I continue to look at this every single day, and make the decisions that are in the best interests of the people in the state of Ohio.”

DeWine said he would not order a stay-at-home order like New York and California have done.

This warning comes on the same day Ohio told “hair salons, day spas, nail salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, body piercing locations, tanning facilities and massage therapy locations” to close up shop.

DeWine has been one of the most active governors in trying to get ahead of the coronavirus. In the past two weeks, he has closed bars and schools, disavowed mass gatherings and delayed the state primary.

As a result of all these closures of businesses, Ohio’s unemployment population has skyrocketed. According to the Associated Press, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services “said it received 111,055 unemployment insurance benefit applications.”

Furthermore, DeWine said at the press conference that schools would most likely not have in-person classes the rest of the year, and he was not sure if an in-person primary would work right now.

Currently, the Buckeye State has 169 confirmed cases and 1 death. The man who passed away was Mark Wagoner, Sr, a 76 year-old attorney from Lucas County.

“We have now entered a new phase of our battle against the coronavirus,” he said. “[Wagoner] was very well respected by everyone who knew him. All of us extend our deepest sympathy

After Wagoner’s passing, DeWine ordered on Friday that all the senior centers and senior day care centers will close on Monday.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected].







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